The Cry

Thursday, July 02, 2009


The blood in my veins
Cries out
- Moves my muscles,
Fills my brain -
With only one aim,


Oh! Were the sword
To sting
- To pierce this
Passing flesh -
Every gaping wound would scream out,


Were the world to turn
It's back on my pursuit
- On my inalienable right
To seek out freedom -
Let my pen bleed out,


In this shall I win the battle
Over myself:
Resisting the temptation of
Comforts and luxury
- The ever present seduction
Of wealth and power -
To hold myself true.

I will rise up
Against the gifted lies
Of my oppressors
- Under scorching sun,
Over blazing asphalt -
Amid the objection of my foes.

My voice which shall resist
No longer
- As one with
My brothers and sisters -
Must rage out demanding,


United, the cry of the people holds all power.


|[]| said...

No estás sola.

Yo comprendo.

Muchos comprendemos.

ELLOS no nos subyugarán.