Her whole heart is his, each one of its beats spoke his name. There can never be, she knows, such a pure feeling in her as this - the love he had set afire in her.
A year had past and for two glorious (albeit short and far apart) weeks she had held him softly, sweetly, fully, and he had been in her tenderly, adoringly, completely. And now, how she missed his mouth, the touch of his lips, the soft taste of his tongue. Laying sideways on her bed, she feels his arm on her waist, his warm breath on her neck.
How much longer, she wonders, until his subtle scent surrounds her again; how much longer until she can truly taste him. She wants desperately to devour him whole, to have him inside her forever. The distance makes her wail in pain. She screams into her pillow and a memory flashes before her eyes. What moments of bliss, what brilliant joy.
Then in the deafening silence I utter a whispered vow, "I know I shall have you again. Your breath will be my breath once more, and forever. I adore you."
In spite of the miles, my love, we are one. I believe in us.